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Justice Mary Saunders |
(Editor's Note: In fairness to Mr. Harney, the $1.1 million dollar bill sent to Mr. English was a "draft" of a proposed bill and, eventually, Mr. Harney reduced his bill to about $550,000 which the court then reduced to about $220,000. Mr. Harney kept no time records.)
In the Editors opinion, the highly unusual ruling suggests that the British Columbia Court of Appeal continued to be threatened or blackmailed by the criminal gang inside the Government of British Columbia that is manipulating the Harney case as a tool to complete the looting of the English family resort property near Tofino, B.C.
Click here to view the firebomb attacks on the English family resort and more.
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Elizabeth Bennett |
Mr. Carten also tendered to the court proof of Mr. English's serious medical condition that was verified by a written report from Dr. Susan O'Donnell of St. Paul's Hospital who had examined Mr. English as a result of a medical crisis earlier in the morning.
Mr. Carten is a highly qualified lawyer who has appeared at all levels of court in Canada and he sometimes assists self represented litigants who cannot otherwise afford a lawyer
Click here to read more about Mr. Carten's work in Canada's justice system.
Objections were also raised about the presence of Justice Elizabeth Bennett on the case because she is a former career civil servant in British Columbia whose pension plan is probably managed by the British Columbia Investment Management Corporation the company that was the beneficiary of the looting of the English family property by terrorist tactics.
Ms. Bennett has developed a reputation for being selected to preside on cases involving bureaucrats and politicians who are alleged to have committed crimes while in office in British Columbia. She was recently assigned to a case involving Mr. Carten where she made a highly questionable ruling and her assignment, in that case, is evidence of improper interference with the judiciary by the BC Government and corroborates Mr. English`s suspicion that the BC Government is manipulating the Court of Appeal against him.
Ms. Bennett was involved in both the cover up of the alleged crimes of Premier Glen Clark and the cover up of the alleged crimes under the leadership of Premier Gordon Campbell.
Based on her body language and demeanour in court on May 28, 2015, it is apparent that Ms. Bennett is under great stress that is consistent with criminal blackmail or other forms of threat or inducement.
The court left Mr. English with no practical option but to risk his health and make a brief attendance to insure his appeal was not defeated by default.
The other judge on the case is Justice Nicole Garson (shown in photo on left) who, like Saunders, Bennett and Chief Justice Bauman owes her position as a high paid Canadian judge (salary $250,000 plus per annum) to the corrupt regime of gangsters who worked for Prime Minister Jean Chretien - a regime that was widely known for corruption, judicial case fixing, and other crimes. According to the Court of Appeal Web Site, Garson (shown in photo on right) was appointed a supreme court judge on March 21, 2001 and a Court of Appeal Judge on May 14, 2009.
A close examination of Garson's complexion in the recent photo on the left shows the tell tale signs of the Irish Curse, red coloured blotchy patches that form with the making of dishonest decisions, that killed former Canadian finance minister Jim Flaherty and that afflicts Elizabeth Bennett and Chief Justice Bauman.
The investigation of all four Justices, Bauman, Saunders Bennett
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BC Government Take Over Tactics |